At Auto Glass Unlimited, LLC in Covington, Louisiana, we do repairs on all auto glass as well as repairs to power door locks and windows. We take care of repairs and replacements for all residential glass; specializing in framed and frameless shower doors.
Our shop is a Louisiana State Inspection Station.
Auto Services:- Windshield Replacement
- Windshield Chip Repair
- Power Window and Lock Repairs
- Sunroof Leak/Replacement/Repairs
- Boat/RV Glass
- School Buses
Residential Services:- Frameless/Framed Shower Doors
- Insulated Windows
- Patio Doors
- Custom Mirrors
- Table Tops - Glass and Plexiglass
Inspection Stickers:- Brakes and Brake Lights
- Wheels and Tires
- Windshield and Windows (Cracks and Holes that May Impair Driving)
- Seat Belts
- Horns
- Headlights and Turn Lights
- Exhaust System (Must not Be Noisy or Smoke Excessively)
- Steering Mechanisms
Call Us Today At ♦ (985) 893-5025
Outstanding Service and Quality Work! We had a very good experience with Auto Glass Unlimited. The employees were friendly and knowledgeable. The owner was friendly, honest, professional and straightforward....